Keresés: %s
Keresés: %s
Staff of the Embassy
Mr. István Szabó
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Mr. Dr. Ferenc Tóth
Deputy Head of Mission
Mr. Levente Kardos
Economic and Commercial Counsellor
Lieutenant Colonel Mr. László Kővári
Defence, Military and Air Attaché
Liszt Institute Hungarian Cultural Centre Delhi
Ms. Dr. Mariann Erdő
Director/ Cultural Counsellor
Ms. Orsolya Bernát
Head of Consular Section
Ms. Tünde Tóth
Head of Chancery
Mr. Zsolt Wittmann
Mr. Dr. Balázs Fekete
Consul, migration affairs
Mr. András Fekete
Document Advisor
Ms. Erika Németh
Consular Assistant, Secretary
Consular information
- Useful Consular Information
- Short term stay in Hungary
- D Type long term resident Permit Application
- Other Consular services
About Hungary
Hungary is a unitary parliamentary republic in Central Europe. It covers an area of 93,030 square kilometres (35,920 sq mi), situated in the Carpathian Basin, and is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Romania to the east, Serbia to the south, Croatia to the southwest, Slovenia to the west, Austria to the northwest, and Ukraine to the northeast. With about 10 million inhabitants, Hungary is a medium-sized member state of the European Union. The official language is Hungarian, which is the most widely spoken Uralic language in the world. Hungary's capital and its largest city and metropolis is Budapest, a significant economic hub, classified as a leading global city. Major urban areas include Debrecen, Szeged, Miskolc, Pécs and Győr.
Hungarian delegation at the Global Conference of Cyberspace konferencián
H. E. Dr. István Mikola, Minister of State for Security Policy and International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary participated at the Global Conference on Cyber Space held in New Delhi on 23-24. November. He delivered a speech in the section titled „Cyber4diplomacy: A new Global Order”. He was accompanied by H.E. Károly Dán, Hungarian Ambassador to the OSCE and UN (Vienna), who made a speech at the „Law and international cooperation for securing cyberspace” section.
H. E. Dr. István Mikola, Minister of State for Security Policy and International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary participated at the Global Conference on Cyber Space held in New Delhi on 23-24. November. He delivered a speech in the section titled „Cyber4diplomacy: A new Global Order”. He was accompanied by H.E. Károly Dán, Hungarian Ambassador to the OSCE and UN (Vienna), who made a speech at the „Law and international cooperation for securing cyberspace” section.
Slovakian Photographer exhibition in the Delhi Hungarian Information and Cultural Centre
The Slovakian photographer, Ivan Fodor had a photo exhibition at the Hungarian Information and Cultural Centre. Pictures and thoughts were on display from Slovakia, India and Nepal.
„If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars… (Yumthang, Valley of flowers, North Sikkim,India June 2017)”
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending (Pokhara, Nepal, October 2011)”
National Day at the Hungarian Embassy New Delhi
Commemorating the 61st Anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. The national day is 23rd October. The delicios Hungarian food was presented by Executive Chef Mr. Jai Kumar. Please enjoy the photos of the event.
20th March - ELI-ALPS introduced in India
On March 20, the ELI-ALPS International Laser Physics Centre - the largest Hungarian research investment in the period of 2014-2020 from European Union sources - was introduced in New Delhi at a scientific event where India's leading researchers participated. The event was organized by the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDIO), the ELI-ALPS, the Physics Department of the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi) and the Hungarian Embassy in New Delhi with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary. The Hungarian delegation was led by Dr József Pálinkás, President of NRDIO. At the opening ceremony, Professor Dr Anurag Sharma, head of the IIT Delhi Physics Department, and Dr. Arun Srivastava, Secretary of the Indian Atomic Energy Commission gave welcome speech.
Professor Anurag Sharma - welcome speach
Dr Subhendu Kahaly - presentation
Dr. Pálinkás József - comment
21th March - Indian-Hungarian Science and Technology Joint Committee meeting in New Delhi
The 10th Hungarian-Indian R&D Joint Committee meeting was held in New Delhi on March 21. Dr. József PÁLINKÁS, President of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDIO), led the Hungarian delegation. During the meeting, the research and development policies of the two Sides were discussed, and new directions of cooperation were outlined. The Committee decided on the grants of the applications submitted at the end of 2017, and on extension of the agreement on the Joint Strategic Research Fund.
The bilateral scientific and research cooperation between India and Hungary is based on the Scientific and Technological Agreement concluded by the Government of Hungary and the Government of the Republic of India in 1992. The NRDIO and the Ministry of Science and Technology - Department of Science and Technology are the partners in the implementation of the agreement. On 18 January 2008, the parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of a Joint Strategic Research Fund. The Fund calls for applications, attracting promising joint Hungarian-Indian R&D projects, which can offer new or improved market-oriented products and services.
The two parties have called for a Joint Committee (R&D JC), which meets every two years alternately in Hungary and India. The purpose of the meetings of the Joint Committee is to draw up the next biennial work plan and - on the basis of the evaluation of the research proposals submitted in the framework of the joint call - a common decision on the projects to be supported.
Group photo
22-23 March - GDN Conference, Hungarian participation
The Global Development Network (GDN) held its 18th annual conference with over 200 participants in New Delhi on 22-23 March 2018 with the title: "Science, Technology and Innovation for Development," which sought answers on how science, research and innovation can help emerging economies rise and how these results can be used in the economically underdeveloped world.
Lectures were delivered by Dr József Pálinkás, President of the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDIO) and by Dr István Mikola, Minister of State for Security and International Cooperation (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary).
The Global Development Network (GDN) is an open international organization that supports high-quality, policy oriented social science research in developing and emerging countries to promote better life. The Network provides financial resources to support researchers, global networking, access to information, training, expert advice and mentoring. Through its global platform, GDN connects social scientists with decision-makers and development stakeholders from all over the world. Founded in 1999, GDN is now based in New Delhi.
Great Hungarian Success in Indian Higher Education Fairs
Organized by the TEMPUS Public Foundation, representatives of nine leading Hungarian universities and the Hungarian Rectors' Conference visited various cities in India at the beginning of April 2018. One of the goals of the delegation was to participate in the international higher education fair organized by FPPEDU Media and to visit leading higher education institutions through professional programs.
The delegation attended the EXPO at Chennai, Bangalore, New Delhi and Mumbai. The visit and the programme was supported by the Embassy of Hungary in New Delhi and the Hungarian Consulate General in Mumbai. At the fair in New Delhi, about 6,000 students attended, and many of them participated at the presentation "Study in Hungary" as well, which showed the Hungarian higher education opportunities for Indian young people in a very colourful, attractive and film-illustrated way. The success of the lecture was largely supported by alumni students who could be asked about the student life in Hungary.
The Hungarian delegation had 12 tables at the fair, where the members of the universities and the TEMPUS Public Foundation were waiting for the interested young people and responding to the questions asked. The Hungarian delegation's tables were the most popular in New Delhi. After a while there was no way to reach the tables, it was such a big crowd. Undoubtedly, the fact that the registrars received a badge bearing the logo and information of the "Study in Hungary" also contributed to this.
Inauguration of school water and sanitation projects in Visakhapatnam
H.E. Mr. Gyula Pethő, Ambassador of Hungary was the chief guest at the inauguration of the social initiative "SANA Surya Sujala Dhara & Haritha Bio Toilets" – from which over 2500 students will benefit - in the Zilla Parishad High School, Thotagaravu and Zilla Parishad High School, Gopalpatnam in the district of Visakhapatnam. The person behind this initiative is Ms. Sanchaita Gajapati Raju, founder and managing trustee of SANA. In each site the children will now have access to 1.8 Million Liters of Safe Drinking Water Annually and 10 Bio Toilets. The projects are supported by the District Administration of Visakhapatnam and the IT giant Oracle.
About us
About Us
The Embassy of Hungary in New Delhi is the diplomatic mission. The embassy is located in 2/50 M Niti Marg, Chanakyapuri. The Embassy of Hungary in New Delhi covers the services for India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, the Maldives, Bhutan and Nepal. The Dhaka Office of the Embassy of Hungary in New Delhi (occasionally referred to as “Consulate”) operates in Dhaka, Bangladesh, under the supervision of the Embassy of Hungary in New Delhi.
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The management and protection of data of the visitor/user of the Embassy of Hungary Web Portal (WP) are subject to the conditions of this notice as well as to the provisions of national, European Union and international law on the person's protection in the processing of personal data as applicable from time to time.
Any relevant regulation that may occur in the future shall be included in this notice. In any case the Embassy of Hungary reserves its right to change its policies of personal data protection in accordance with the relevant law as applicable from time to time.
Therefore, these personal data protection policies may be revised and updated at all times without prior notice. The WP's users are requested to check periodically the policies in question for any changes as continuous use of the WP implies acceptance of all amendments thereto if any.
Refund and Cancellation Policy
A refund will be issued, upon request, and with supporting proof and/or evidence from the customer, for the reasons listed below, under Acceptable Reasons for a Refund. Notwithstanding the above, the Embassy reserves the right to grant or deny refunds to anyone for any reason.
Acceptable Reasons for a Refund
Someone has used your credit and/or debit card fraudulently.
If there is a mistake made, as solely determined by Consular Services, with respect to two or more payment transactions being processed for one (1) Application.
Any other illegal or non-approved use of your credit and/or debit card or billing information.
Requesting a Refund
Refund requests are considered valid up to 1 month from date of payment, no exceptions.
To request a refund, please contact the consulate for which you made the payment for, with details of your request along with all supporting documents and the invoice. Refund requests are processed only when instructions have been given by the Consulate for which the payment was made for.
Integrity advisor
Integrity advisor: Csiki Annabella
Contact information:
Addrtess: Bem rkp. 47.Budapest 1027
Gond esetén a nap 24 órájában elérheti a Újdelhi-i Magyar Konzuli Hivatalt. Munkaidőben (09:00-17:30) a 0091-11-2688-1135 telefonszámon, munkaidőn túl a konzuli tájékoztatási és vészhelyzeti ügyeleti telefonvonalon:
- Magyarországról ingyenesen a 06-80-36-80-36 zöldszámon, amely a Konzuli Tájékoztatási és Ügyeleti Központunkban, Budapesten van.
- Külföldről a +36-80-36-80-36,
- illetve WhatsApp – +36-30-36-36-111 – és Viber – +36-30-36-36-555 – platformokon elsősorban szöveges üzenetek formájában.
A konzuli védelem formái:
- A bajba jutott (alapvetően) önerőből történő hazatérésének elősegítése
- Segítségnyújtás súlyos sérüléssel járó baleset vagy erőszakos bűncselekmény áldozatának
- Segítségnyújtás súlyos és sürgős ellátást igénylő (együttes feltétel) betegnek
- Segítségnyújtás katasztrófa, háború vagy fegyveres összeütközés (együttesen: válsághelyzet) közvetlen érintettjének
- Segítségnyújtás külföldön fogvatartottnak
- A külföldön elhunyt eltemetésére kötelezett hozzátartozó temetéssel kapcsolatos ügyintézésének segítése
- Tájékoztató jellegű utazási tanácsok közzététele (a fentiekben írt helyzetek elkerülése érdekében)
A Konzuli Szolgálat a rendelkezésére álló minden eszközzel igyekszik segítséget nyújtani ahhoz, hogy a konzuli védelemben részesülő bajba jutott
- az ügyeinek gyors intézését lehetővé tevő információk birtokába juthasson
- hátrányos megkülönböztetésben ne részesüljön
- élete, egészsége vagy testi épsége ne kerülhessen veszélybe
Miben tud segíteni a Konzuli Szolgálat a konzuli védelemre jogosult bajba jutottnak?
- Hazatéréséhez ideiglenes útlevelet állíthat ki az elveszett, ellopott, megrongálódott vagy lejárt úti okmány helyett
- Tanácsadással közreműködik hazatérése önerőből vagy rokon, ismerős anyagi segítségével történő megszervezésében
- Utólagos visszafizetés és díjfizetés ellenében hazatérési kölcsönt nyújthat, ha magáról saját vagy más forrásból gondoskodni nem tud, önhibája kizárható és a kölcsön nyújtása további súlyos érdeksérelemtől óvja meg
- Egészségügyi vészhelyzetben (súlyos és tömeges megbetegedés) tájékoztatja a helyi orvosok, kórházak elérhetőségéről, közreműködik az esetleg szükséges és orvosilag igényelt, illetve lehetséges hazaszállítás megszervezésében
- Válsághelyzetben tájékoztatást ad és szükség esetén segítséget nyújt a hazatéréshez, illetve az evakuálás megszervezéséhez
- Őrizetbe vétele, letartóztatása esetén – ha erről tudomást szerez – tisztázza ennek okát és jogi megítélését, figyelemmel kíséri fogva tartásának körülményeit
- Kérésére értesíti hozzátartozóját, szükség esetén a segíteni képes ismerőst
- Tájékoztatást ad az adott országban elérhető helyi tolmácsokról és ügyvédekről
- Külföldi haláleset esetén a Konzuli Szolgálat értesíti a külföldön elhunyt eltemetésére kötelezett hozzátartozót és tájékoztatja az eltemetéshez vagy a holttest hazaszállításához szükséges intézkedésekről
Miben nem tud segíteni, közreműködni a magyar és az európai Konzuli Szolgálat?
- A külföldre utazás megszervezésében, abban való közreműködésben
- Menetjegy foglalásában, átíratásában
- Szállás, lakhatás biztosításában; csomagmegőrzésben
- Gépjárműjavításban vagy javíttatásban, üzemanyag biztosításában
- Személy- vagy csomagszállításban
- Banki, biztosítási és postai szolgáltatásokban
- Külföldi munkaközvetítés, munkaügyi viták rendezésében
- Jogi képviselet ellátásában bíróság vagy más hatóság előtt
- Konzuli hatósági eljárások kivételével tolmácsolásban vagy fordításban
- Külföldi letelepedési, munkavállalási vagy egyéb engedélyek beszerzésében
- Magánjogi (peres vagy nem peres) viták rendezésében
- Külföldön felmerülő költségek, hatósági bírságok, díjak (pénzbüntetés, óvadék, ügyvédi díj, egészségügyi ellátás díja stb.) kifizetésében, megelőlegezésében
- A hagyaték, örökség, kifizetetlen munkabér, stb. behajtásában
- Külföldi bűnesetben folyó nyomozásban bármilyen formában való közreműködésben
- Folyamatban lévő szabálysértési vagy büntetőeljárás menetének, eredményének befolyásolásában (Ennek keretében arra sincs módja és eszköze a Konzuli Szolgálatnak, hogy elérje a jogi út mellőzésével történő szabadlábra helyezést, vagy a különleges bánásmódban részesítést.)
A Konzuli Szolgálat ingyenes mobil applikációja elérhető az ismert alkalmazás áruházakban!
Töltse le Konzinfo Utazom mobilalkalmazásunkat!
Megbízható utazási tanácsok és konzuli információk közvetlenül a telefonján!
A Konzinfo Utazom mobil alkalmazás segíti Önt a külföldre történő utazása felkészülésében, naprakész tájékoztatást ad úticéljáról, a magyar külképviseletek elérhetőségéről, valamint értesítést küld válsághelyzet esetén.
Applying for an Official Certificate of Good Conduct
Applying for an Official Certificate of Good Conduct
Based on data registered in Criminal Records the Criminal Records Authority issues the Official Certificate of Good Conduct for applicants upon request to establish or maintain a legal relationship as well as to certify conditions defined by the law. The Official Certificate of Good Conduct is issued exclusively on the basis of data registered in the Criminal Records Register, the certificate excludes data related to the Offence Register.
The application for the certificate may be submitted in Hungary
- by mail (the application form is available at post offices)
- in person orally in the Customer Service Centre (1133 Budapest, Visegrádi utca 110–112.)
- electronically for customers having Customer Gate login or registration through the Web Assistant application or the mobile application OkmányApp.
Abroad the application can be submitted in person and exclusively via Hungarian diplomatic and consular Abroad representations.
An Official Certificate of Good Conduct can be requested by filling the appropriate form. This kind of service needs your appearance and presenting your passport, so please note that a prior appointment has to be requested. Appointment can be arranged by e-mailing to
The Official Certificate of Good Conduct is a public document issued only in Hungarian in a form of electronic public document. Should you request a legalised translation of the Hungarian document to English, an additional fee is applicable. Certificate of good character issued by Hungary is valid for 90 days.
The consular fee of this service (Consular fee, Certified translation to foreign language, Certificate copy) is Rs. 5150, and has to be paid by bank card.
The procedure takes about 1 week as a general rule.
Please enclose a self-addressed, prepaid envelope.
Datasheet Official Certificate of Good Conduct
Instructions for completing application form (english)