India is almost consistently the largest beneficiary of the EU Erasmus program among third countries. In the autumn of 2021, 153 students will leave for 20 EU countries and the UK under the ERESMUS MUNDUS program. Among them, two students chose Hungary in the first place, four students targeted Hungary as the second goal, and two again in the third place.
It is almost a tradition that EUDEL in New Delhi hosts a welcome event for ERASMUS students leaving to the EU, which was held online this year on 4/08/2021. EU Ambassador Ugo Astuto and Adrian Veale from DG EAC welcomed the event, among others. The extremely good-natured meeting was also attended by Indian students who entered the program in the past year and told about their experiences, giving advice to newcomers. The foreign representations of some countries, including Hungary, also had the opportunity to speak and greet the students. Dr. Hilda Farkas, diplomat for science and technology, and Dr. Márton Beke, head of the Tempus Public Foundation, wished the students a good trip, especially those going to Hungary, and assured the candidates of their support. The virtual space provided an opportunity for a very large number of students to get involved, 142 of them were present.
Group photo of the panelists
Table for Indian students of the 2021 ERASMUS MUNDUS program